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Profile Details
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USD 120 /hr
Hire Dr. Marilyn P.
United States
USD 120 /hr

Expert in Curriculum Design and Program Development: Driving Social Change with Proven Results

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Creative Writing, Newswriting, General Proofreading & Editing
Research User Research
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Data Insights
Work Experience

Associate Professor

Metropolitan State University

- Present

Founder and Principle

Read the World Consulting LLC

January 2024 - Present

Associate Professor of Human Services and Family Studies Coordinator

Metropolitan State University

August 2021 - Present

PreCollege Program Instructor

Columbia University

June 2024 - July 2024


Good Work Group

March 2023 - January 2024

Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary, Intercultural, and Religious Studies

Grand Valley State University

August 2013 - June 2021


PhD Human Development

University of Missouri

September 2007 - December 2012

PhD (Human Development and Family Studies)

University of Missouri

August 2004 - December 2012

MA Human Services Administration

University of Missouri

August 2005 - September 2007

BA Community Studies

Goddard College

February 2000 - August 2003

  • Certification details not provided.
Marilyn Preston (2018). Queer teachers, identity, and performativity, . Journal of LGBT Youth.
Marilyn J. Preston, Garrett Drew Hoffman (2015). Traditionally Heterogendered Institutions: Discourses Surrounding LGBTQ College Students . Journal of LGBT Youth.
Marilyn Preston (2016). Critical Intimate Praxis . Critical Concepts in Queer Studies and Education.