Concierge Services Premier Writing & Stats Services by Experienced PhDs & Industry Experts. Enjoy Expert Project Management, On-Time Delivery, Quality Guarantee, and Dedicated 1:1 Support.
Lite Writing Support Budget friendly publication support package for all researchers This includes:
  • Manuscript Writing
  • Plagiarism Check
  • English Editing with Editing Certificate
  • Formatting as per Journal Guidelines
  • Unlimited QnA
Price From USD 2000 Read more
Full Writing Support Transform your research from hypotheses, data, and findings to a journal-ready article This includes:
  • Manuscript Writing
  • Research Assessment Report
  • Journal Selection
  • Plagiarism Check
  • English Editing with Editing Certificate
  • Formatting as per Journal Guidelines
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Journal Submission
  • Unlimited QnA
Price From USD 4000 Read more
Re-Writing Service Re-write your manuscript based on peer reviewer comments for the same or a new journal This includes:
  • Manuscript Rewriting based on Peer Reviewer Comments
  • Response Letter Creation (if same journal)
  • English Editing with Editing Certificate
  • Formatting as per Journal Guidelines
  • Journal Submission
  • Unlimited QnA
Price From USD 2500 Read more
Simple/Descriptive Statistical Analysis This service is meant for authors who have collected data but have not analyzed/interpreted it This includes:
  • Review of statistical design
  • Data coding and preparation for analysis
  • Tests for normalcy
  • Identify outliers and trends
  • Summarizing with measures of central tendency and variability
  • Creation of tables and graphs
Price USD 625 Read more
Complex/Inferential Statistical Analysis When you want an expert to analyze your data and draw inferences that best answer your research questions This includes:
  • Complex quantitative data analysis using SPSS, R, STATA, and other tools
  • Drawing inferences from results
  • Presenting relevant results in tables/graphs
  • Drawing inferences from results
  • Identifying potential weaknesses and limitations of the analysis
Price USD 1125 Read more
Statistical Check/Review Get a comprehensive review of your completed data analysis, along with actionable improvements This includes:
  • Review of research design and methods used for the analysis
  • Critical feedback on the statistical methods, analysis and results
  • Crosscheck the statistical methods section
Price USD 250 Read more

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