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USD 10 /hr

Ph.D. - Material Science and Engineering, Multilingual, passionate researcher.

Profile Summary
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Writing Technical Writing
Research Fact Checking, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Statistical Analysis
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Work Experience

Research Fellow

National Metallurgical Laboratory CSIR

August 2015 - December 2016

Assistant Manager

Tube Investments of India Ltd

June 2014 - August 2015


Doctor of Philosophy (Material Science and engineering)

National University of Singapore

January 2017 - Present

Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgical Engineering)

PSG College of Technology

July 2010 - May 2014

  • Certification details not provided.
Lakshmi Suresh and Jayraj V. Vaghasiya and Udayappan Praveen Kannan and Yaoxin Zhang and Sai Kishore Ravi and Nikita Paul and Michael R. Jones and Swee Ching Tan(2021). 1200% enhancement of solar energy conversion by engineering three dimensional arrays of flexible biophotoelectrochemical cells in a fixed footprint encompassed by Johnson solid shaped optical well . Nano Energy. 79. p. 105424.
Zhang, Qian and Suresh, Lakshmi and Liang, Qijie and Zhang, Yaoxin and Yang, Lin and Paul, Nikita and Tan, Swee Ching(2021). Emerging Technologies for Green Energy Conversion and Storage . Advanced Sustainable Systems. 5. (3). p. 2000152.
Zhang, Songlin and Ma, Yan and Suresh, Lakshmi and Hao, Ayou and Bick, Michael and Tan, Swee Ching and Chen, Jun(2020). Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Strong Carbon Matrix Composites . ACS Nano. 14. (8). p. 9282-9319.
Zhang, Yaoxin and Xiong, Ting and Suresh, Lakshmi and Qu, Hao and Zhang, Xueping and Zhang, Qian and Yang, Jiachen and Tan, Swee Ching(2020). Guaranteeing Complete Salt Rejection by Channeling Saline Water through Fluidic Photothermal Structure toward Synergistic Zero Energy Clean Water Production and In Situ Energy Generation . ACS Energy Letters. 5. (11). p. 3397-3404.
Nikita Paul and Lakshmi Suresh and Jayraj V. Vaghasiya and Lin Yang and Yaoxin Zhang and Dilip Krishna Nandakumar and Michael R. Jones and Swee Ching Tan(2020). Self-powered all weather sensory systems powered by Rhodobacter sphaeroides protein solar cells . Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 165. p. 112423.
Lin Yang and Dilip Krishna Nandakumar and Linqing Miao and Lakshmi Suresh and Danwei Zhang and Ting Xiong and Jayraj V. Vaghasiya and Ki Chang Kwon and Swee {Ching Tan}(2020). Energy Harvesting from Atmospheric Humidity by a Hydrogel-Integrated Ferroelectric-Semiconductor System . Joule. 4. (1). p. 176-188.
Lakshmi Suresh, Sai Kishore Ravi, Nikita Paul, Aditya Tjitra Salim, Tingfeng Wu, Zixuan Wu, Michael R. Jones, Swee Ching Tan(2020). Bio-photocapacitive tactile sensors as a touch-to-audio braille reader and solar capacitor . Materials Horizons. 7. (3). p. 866--876. Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})
Dilip Krishna Nandakumar and Jayraj V. Vaghasiya and Lakshmi Suresh and Trong Nhan Duong and Swee Ching Tan(2020). Organic ionic conductors infused aqueous inverse-melting electrolyte aiding crack recovery in flexible supercapacitors functional down to −30 °C . Materials Today Energy. 17. p. 100428.
Lakshmi Suresh, Qian Zhang, Qijie Liang, Dilip Krishna Nandakumar, Sai Kishore Ravi, Hao Qu, Xueping Zhang, Yaoxin Zhang, Lin Yang, Andrew Thye Shen Wee, et al.(2020). Energy harvesting from shadow-effect . Energy & Environmental Science. Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})
Suresh, Lakshmi and Vaghasiya, Jayraj V. and Jones, Michael R. and Tan, Swee Ching(2019). Biodegradable Protein-Based Photoelectrochemical Cells with Biopolymer Composite Electrodes That Enable Recovery of Valuable Metals . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 7. (9). p. 8834-8841.
Lakshmi Suresh and Jayraj V. Vaghasiya and Dilip Krishna Nandakumar and Tingfeng Wu and Michael R. Jones and Swee Ching Tan(2019). High-Performance UV Enhancer Molecules Coupled with Photosynthetic Proteins for Ultra-Low-Intensity UV Detection . Chem. 5. (7). p. 1847-1860.
Jayraj V. Vaghasiya and Keval K. Sonigara and Lakshmi Suresh and Majid Panahandeh-Fard and Saurabh S. Soni and Swee Ching Tan(2019). Efficient power generating devices utilizing low intensity indoor lights via non-radiative energy transfer mechanism from organic ionic redox couples . Nano Energy. 60. p. 457-466.
Emerging Role of the Band-Structure Approach in Biohybrid Photovoltaics: A Path Beyond Bioelectrochemistry @article{https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201705305, author= {Ravi, Sai Kishore and Udayagiri, Vishnu Saran and Suresh, Lakshmi and Tan, Swee Ching}, title= {Emerging Role of the Band-Structure Approach in Biohybrid Photovoltaics: A Path Beyond Bioelectrochemistry}, journal= {Advanced Functional Materials}, volume= {28}, number= {24}, pages= {1705305}, keywords= {band-structure approach, bioinspired light harvesting, biophotovoltaics (BPV), organic photovoltaics (OPVs), solar energy}, doi= {https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201705305}, url= {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/adfm.201705305}, eprint= {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/adfm.201705305}, abstract= {Abstract Emulation of natural photosynthesis is central to modern photovoltaic research targeting sustainable and economic ways of solar energy harvesting. Natural photosynthetic systems have succeeded in efficiently harvesting solar energy which is key to the sustenance of life on earth. With numerous advances in understanding the structure and function of the natural photosystems, the last decade has witnessed new perspectives in developing bioinspired photovoltaics. Interestingly, organic photovoltaics (OPVs) adopting photosynthetic design principles and biophotovoltaics (BPVs) adopting solid-state device architectures have now converged at a juncture. Several reports in recent years point to a new scope of improvement in OPVs and BPVs stemming from mutual inspiration. At this juncture, there are new perspectives by which a BPV can be designed that were previously limited only to conventional optoelectronics. Treating natural pigment–proteins as optically and electronically functional materials in any photovoltaic design, from the band-theory viewpoint, is a promising direction for advancing BPVs beyond the boundaries of bioelectrochemistry. This article presents an overview of selected reports on BPVs in the last few years utilizing new design concepts based on band-theory and its associated principles. In light of this, the scope of the band-structure approach in BPVs is discussed, eliciting prospective research directions.}, year= {2018}} . Advanced Functional Materials.
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