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USD 80 /hr
Hire Dr. Giuliano A.
United Kingdom
USD 80 /hr

CAD/CAE expert with 20+ years experience

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Research Feasibility Study, Scientific and Technical Research
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Predictive Modeling
Product Development Product Evaluation, Prototyping, Device Fabrication
Work Experience

Professor of Structural Integrity of Composites

University of Bristol

August 2022 - Present

Reader in Composite Structures

University of Bristol

January 2018 - Present

Senior Lecturer in Composites

Imperial College London

July 2014 - Present

Lecturer in Aerospace Structures

University of Bristol

January 2007 - June 2014

Lecturer in Aircraft Design

Cranfield University

January 2006 - September 2007

Research Officer

Cranfield University

January 2003 - September 2006

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza

April 2002 - September 2003


PhD in Aerospace Engineering

University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Italy

September 1999 - May 2003

PhD (School of Aerospace Engineering)

Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza

January 1999 - May 2003

Laurea Magistralis (Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza

January 1992 - May 1998

Laurea Magistralis in Aeronautical Engineering

University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Italy

September 1991 - May 1998

  • Certification details not provided.
Giuliano Allegri, Hao Cui, Yusuf Mahadik, Stephen R. Hallett, Ivana K. Partridge, Sathiskumar A. Ponnusami, Nik Petrinic(2019). Coupon scale Z-pinned IM7/8552 delamination tests under dynamic loading . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 125. p. 105565. Elsevier {BV}
Gan, K.W., Allegri, G., Hallett, S.R.(2016). A simplified layered beam approach for predicting ply drop delamination in thick composite laminates . Materials and Design. 108. p. 570-580.
Yuan, J., Allegri, G., Scarpa, F., Patsias, S., Rajasekaran, R.(2016). A novel hybrid Neumann expansion method for stochastic analysis of mistuned bladed discs . Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 72-73. p. 241-253.
Zhang, B., Allegri, G., Yasaee, M., Hallett, S.R., Partridge, I.K.(2016). On the delamination self-sensing function of Z-pinned composite laminates . Composites Science and Technology. 128. p. 138-146.
Zhang, B., Allegri, G., Hallett, S.R.(2016). An experimental investigation into multi-functional Z-pinned composite laminates . Materials and Design. 108. p. 679-688.
Charalambous, G., Allegri, G., Lander, J.K., Hallett, S.R.(2015). A cut-ply specimen for the mixed-mode fracture toughness and fatigue characterisation of FRPs . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 74. p. 77-87.
Ma, X., Scarpa, F., Peng, H.-X., Allegri, G., Yuan, J., Ciobanu, R.(2015). Design of a hybrid carbon fibre/carbon nanotube composite for enhanced lightning strike resistance . Aerospace Science and Technology. 47. p. 367-377.
Warzok, F., Allegri, G., Gude, M., Hallett, S.R.(2015). Experimental characterisation of fatigue damage in single Z-pins . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.
Zhang, B., Allegri, G., Yasaee, M., Hallett, S.R.(2015). Micro-mechanical finite element analysis of Z-pins under mixed-mode loading . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 78. p. 424-435.
Yuan, J., Allegri, G., Scarpa, F., Rajasekaran, R., Patsias, S.(2015). Novel parametric reduced order model for aeroengine blade dynamics . Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 62. p. 235-253.
Yuan, J., Allegri, G., Scarpa, F., Rajasekaran, R., Patsias, S.(2015). Probabilistic dynamics of mistuned bladed disc systems using subset simulation . Journal of Sound and Vibration. 350. p. 185-198.
Charalambous, G., Allegri, G., Hallett, S.R.(2015). Temperature effects on mixed mode I/II delamination under quasi-static and fatigue loading of a carbon/epoxy composite . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 77. p. 75-86.
Yasaee, M., Lander, J.K., Allegri, G., Hallett, S.R.(2014). Experimental characterisation of mixed mode traction-displacement relationships for a single carbon composite Z-pin . Composites Science and Technology. 94. p. 123-131.
Allegri, G., Yasaee, M., Partridge, I.K., Hallett, S.R.(2014). A novel model of delamination bridging via Z-pins in composite laminates . International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51. (19-20). p. 3314-3332.
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., I Saavedra Flores, E., Keane, A., Isikveren, A.T., Allegri, G., Adhikari, S.(2014). An integrated conceptual design study using span morphing technology . Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 25. (8). p. 989-1008.
Allegri, G., Scarpa, F.L.(2014). On the asymptotic crack-tip stress fields in nonlocal orthotropic elasticity . International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51. (2). p. 504-515.
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., Dettmer, W.G., Isikveren, A.T., Allegri, G.(2013). Roll control of a male uav using,theadaptive torsion wing . Aeronautical Journal. 117. (1189). p. 299-314.
Ajaj, R.M., Saavedra Flores, E.I., Friswell, M.I., Allegri, G., Woods, B.K.S., Isikveren, A.T., Dettmer, W.G.(2013). The Zigzag wingbox for a span morphing wing . Aerospace Science and Technology. 28. (1). p. 364-375.
Allegri, G., Scarpa, F., Chowdhury, R., Adhikari, S.(2013). Wave propagation in periodically supported nanoribbons: A nonlocal elasticity approach . Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME. 135. (4).
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., Dettmer, W.G., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2013). Dynamic modelling and actuation of the adaptive torsion wing . Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 24. (16). p. 2045-2057.
Allegri, G., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R.(2013). A new semi-empirical law for variable stress-ratio and mixed-mode fatigue delamination growth . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 48. (1). p. 192-200.
Yuan, J., Allegri, G., Scarpa, F.(2013). Buffeting mitigation using carbon nanotube composites: A feasibility study . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 227. (9). p. 1425-1440.
Allegri, G., Wisnom, M.R.(2012). A non-linear damage evolution model for mode II fatigue delamination onset and growth . International Journal of Fatigue. 43. p. 226-234.
Dettmer, W.G., Friswell, M.I., Ajaj, R.M., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2012). Performance and control optimisations using the adaptive torsion wing . Aeronautical Journal. 116. (1184). p. 1061-1077.
Allegri, G., Jones, M.I., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R.(2011). A new semi-empirical model for stress ratio effect on mode II fatigue delamination growth . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 42. (7). p. 733-740.
Ajaj, R.M., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2011). Conceptual design and sizing of airframe panels according to safe-life acoustic fatigue criteria . Aeronautical Journal. 115. (1163). p. 15-27.
Allegri, G., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R.(2010). A simplified approach to the damage tolerance design of asymmetric tapered laminates. Part II: Methodology validation . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 41. (10). p. 1395-1402.
Allegri, G., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R.(2010). A simplified approach to the damage tolerance design of asymmetric tapered laminates. Part I: Methodology development . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 41. (10). p. 1388-1394.
Hélénon, F., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R., Allegri, G.(2010). An approach for dealing with high local stresses in finite element analyses . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 41. (9). p. 1156-1163.
Boscolo, M., Allegri, G., Zhang, X.(2009). Enhanced 2-D modeling technique for single-sided patch repairs . AIAA Journal. 47. (6). p. 1558-1567.
Zhang, X., Boscolo, M., Figueroa-Gordon, D., Allegri, G., Irving, P.E.(2009). Fail-safe design of integral metallic aircraft structures reinforced by bonded crack retarders . Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 76. (1). p. 114-133.
Boscolo, M., Allegri, G., Zhang, X.(2008). Design and modeling of selective reinforcements for integral aircraft structures . AIAA Journal. 46. (9). p. 2323-2331.
Allegri, G., Zhang, X.(2008). On the inverse power laws for accelerated random fatigue testing . International Journal of Fatigue. 30. (6). p. 967-977.
Allegri, G., Corradi, S., Marchetti, M., Scaglione, S.(2007). Analysis of the effects of simulated synergistic LEO environment on solar panels . Acta Astronautica. 60. (3). p. 175-185.
Allegri, G., Zhang, X.(2007). On the delamination and debond suppression in structural joints by Z-fibre pinning . Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 38. (4). p. 1107-1115.
Allegri, G., Corradi, S., Marchetti, M.(2006). Stochastic analysis of the vibrations of an uncertain composite truss for space applications . Composites Science and Technology. 66. (2). p. 273-282.
Allegri, G., Corradi, S., Marchetti, M., Suanno, L.(2004). Behaviour of Hybrid Titanium Composite Laminate (HTCL) under in-plane loading . Advanced Composites Letters. 13. (1). p. 37-47.
Allegri, G., Corradi, S., Marchetti, M., Milinchuck, V.(2003). Atomic oxygen degradation of polymeric thin films in low earth orbit . AIAA Journal. 41. (8). p. 1525-1534.
Zumbo, S., Leofanti, J., Corradi, S., Allegri, G., Marchetti, M.(2003). Design of a small deployable satellite . Acta Astronautica. 53. (4-10). p. 533-540.
Allegri, G., Mohamed, G., Hallett, S.R.(2015). Multi-scale modelling for predicting fracture behaviour in through-thickness reinforced laminates . Numerical Modelling of Failure in Advanced Composite Materials. p. 457-478.
Oterkus, E., Diyaroglu, C., De Meo, D., Allegri, G.(2015). Fracture modes, damage tolerance and failure mitigation in marine composites . Marine Applications of Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Composites. p. 79-102.
Allegri, G., Lecci, U., Marchetti, M., Poscente, F.(2002). FEM simulation of the mechanical behaviour of sandwich materials for aerospace structures . Key Engineering Materials. 221-222. p. 209-220.
Yuan, J., Scarpa, F., Allegri, G., Patsias, S., Rajasekaran, R.(2015). Numerical assessment of using sherman-morrison, neumann expansion techniques for stochastic analysis of mistuned bladed disc systems . Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. 7B.
Zhang, B., Allegri, G., Hallett, S.R.(2014). High-fidelity fe modelling of Z-pins in quasi-isotropic laminates . 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014.
Yuan, J., Allegri, G., Scarpa, F., Rajasekatan, R.(2014). Probabilistic dynamics of mistuned bladed disc systems using Subset Simulation . Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2014 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics. p. 4609-4621.
Da Rocha-Schmidt, L., Hermanutz, A., Baier, H., Seitz, A., Bijewitz, J., Isikveren, A.T., Scarpa, F., Allegri, G., Remillat, C., Feuilloley, E., et al.(2014). Progress towards adaptive aircraft engine nacelles . 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014.
Yasaee, M., Mohamed, G., Allegri, G., Hallett, S.R.(2014). Delamination resistance of through thickness reinforced composites . 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014.
Blanchfield, J.P., Allegri, G.(2014). Fatigue delamination initiation in L-bend CFRP coupons . 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014.
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., Dettmer, W.G., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2012). Optimum design of a PID controller for the Adaptive Torsion Wing using GA . 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 2012.
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., Dettmer, W.G., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2012). Optimum design of a PID controller for the adaptive torsion wing using GA . Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference.
Charalambous, G., Allegri, G.(2012). Temperature effects on the fatigue characterisation of a carbon-epoxy composite material . ECCM 2012 - Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials.
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., Dettmer, W.G., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2011). Conceptual modeling of an adaptive torsion wing structure . Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference.
Ajaj, R.M., Friswell, M.I., Smith, D.D., Allegri, G., Isikveren, A.T.(2011). Roll control of a UAV using an Adaptive Torsion Structure . Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference.
Carrella-Payan, D., Kawashita, L.F., Allegri, G.(2011). Tensile testing characterization of asymmetrically tapered composite laminates . ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials.
Hélénon, F., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R., Allegri, G.(2009). An approach for dealing with high local stresses in finite element analyses . ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials.
Allegri, G., Kawashita, L.F., Backhouse, R., Wisnom, M.R., Hallett, S.R.(2009). On the optimization of tapered composite laminates in preliminary structural design . ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials.
Liani, E., Guo, S., Allegri, G.(2007). Aeroelastic effect on flapping wing performance . Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 8. p. 8518-8533.
Boscolo, M., Allegri, G., Zhang, X.(2007). Design and modelling of selective reinforcements for integral aircraft structures . Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 5. p. 4980-4993.
Liani, E., Guo, S., Allegri, G.(2007). Potential-flow-based aerodynamic analysis of a flapping wing . Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 2. p. 840-855.
Allegri, G., Corradi, S., Marchetti, M., Scaglione, S.(2003). Analysis of the effects of simulated synergistic leo environment on solar panels . 54th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the International Academy of Astronautics and the International Institute of Space Law. 1. p. 1843-1852.
Allegri, G., Corradi, S., Marchetti, M., Milinchuk, V.K.(2003). On the degradation of polymeric thin films in LEO space environment . European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. (540). p. 255-264.