Neuroscientist, 27 years in Pharma pre-clinical reasearch, drug discovery, in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo models
Freelance consultant at Kolabtree , Pharmacology, Neuroscience, biomarker based models & assays development for drug discovery
Self employed
February 2020 - Present
Researcher in Neurobiology
Institut de Recherche Pierre Fabre, France
September 1994 - January 2020
Pharmacology & Toxicology , University of Florence, Italy
September 2007 - August 2008
Researcher in Neurobiology
Pierre Fabre Medicament, France
September 1992 - August 1994
Research Consultant
Neurobiology Research, FIDIA Research Laboratories SpA, Italy
February 1991 - July 1992
Research Fellow
Institute of Biological Chemistry, University of Verona, Italy
September 1989 - January 1991
Fogarty Fellow
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD, US
February 1988 - July 1989
Research Consultant
Neuroscience/Cardiovascular Research, Pharmaceuticals , CIBA_GEIGY Corp. , NJ, US
March 1986 - January 1988
PhD (Molecular Pharmacology)
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France
1994 - October 1997
Diploma of aptitude to practice the Profession of Biologist (Biology)
University of Florence, Italy
- 1990
Post-doctoral Traineeship (Dipartimento di Farmacologia Preclinica e Clinica, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia and Istituto Interfacoltà di Chimica Biologica)
Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry , University of Florence, Italy
February 1985 - February 1986
Doctor in Biological Sciences (MSc) (Preclinical and clinical pharmacology , Faculty of Medicine)
Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology , University of Florence, Italy
1983 - February 1985
Biological Sciences Program (courses and exams), University of Florence
October 1979 - October 1984
Maturità Classica (High school diploma in humanistic studies) (Humanistic Studies)
Liceo Ginnasio Statale, Nicolo Machiavelly, Florence , Italy
September 1974 - July 1979
- Certification details not provided.