How is Kolabtree Different From Other Marketplaces


Work arrangements are no longer what they used to be. The rise of internet has been a blessing for the world of innovation, which now has access to talent from across the globe with a click. While this sounds easy, there are numerous hurdles to pass through before you meet the ONE. The ONE whose brilliant mind, experience and expertise you want to tap to complete or validate your research. That said, how can you choose the right person without talking to them? How can you choose the right intellectual match by simply scrolling through profiles? How can you reveal closely guarded information about your idea to complete strangers on public forums?

This is where Kolabtree puts your mind at ease and sets itself apart from other freelance online marketplaces.

Public Discussion PLUS One on One Discussion

We get that it’s not easy to find the right fit for your requirement at first glance. Hence, we encourage you to post key details about the project so that freelancers with the right skillsets can reach out to you by asking questions in a public discussion forum. Once essential information is in place, interested freelancers will reach out to you with proposals. And if you like the proposals, you can start private discussions with each freelancer before making the final choice.

You can have detailed discussions with each freelancer to understand their approach and expertise before choosing the right one.

Unlike other marketplaces, we encourage choices based on skills as opposed to bids alone.

Extensive Qualification of Subject Matter Experts – PhD Qualified – Almost Exclusively.

No other Online Marketplace qualifies freelancers with a clear step by step verification process like Kolabtree. Each of the freelancer who has submitted their profile not only have their contact details vetted, but also their academic credentials verified. Their projects, published papers, research endeavours are all analysed and cross verified before they are approved to be a freelancer.

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We are very careful not to let any scammers or spammers into our community.

Project and Legal Security

We get that this research idea or the innovation that got you the funding is the most precious thing you have. And having open conversations across the web will only result in someone stealing the idea. We protect your project and conversations with experts with legal security. We make sure that each and every project coming through to our portal is properly secured before commencing work, and to ensure this, we also encourage our patrons to post project with a healthy timeline.

Your project and your communication on our portal is secured.

Payment Security

A common problem faced by researchers is that freelancers go AWOL after the initial payment. And the risk is enhanced when hiring freelancers from far flung countries. This is why Kolabtree has introduced Escrow bound payment terms. To commence a project, a client must make an initial payment which the freelancer knows is very much secure with Kolabtree and will not be released unless the work is completed satisfactorily. In addition, the client can also request a refund and close the project if they are not reasonably satisfied with the output.

Both parties are secured at Kolabtree.

These are some of the key aspects that any client must take note of before hiring a freelancer. At Kolabtree, we just take care of it for you.

Have questions? Talk to us!

Kolabtree helps businesses worldwide hire freelance scientists and industry experts on demand. Our freelancers have helped companies publish research papers, develop products, analyze data, and more. It only takes a minute to tell us what you need done and get quotes from experts for free.

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