Need help with posting your project on Kolabtree?


If you thought that finding and getting work done from highly qualified experts was a difficult task, experience convenience on Kolabtree. Posting your project on Kolabtree will not only help you get proposals from PhD-qualified experts but also open the door for you to interact with several experts before you commit to hire anyone of them!

To post a project, log into your Kolabtree account (you can create one within seconds if you’re not already registered) at Once you’re logged in, just click on the “Start Project” button to open up a project form where you can begin adding your project details.

Remember that the primary purpose of the project form is to collect sufficient details about your project so that any interested expert can understand the requirements at a glance and quote a suitable fee. We’ve tried to explain each aspect of the form with relevant examples below. Read on for details

Post a project

The project form has the following sections.

1. Project Title: This title will be used to identify your project in all communications. This title is visible to our freelancers when they’re browsing through our projects page to bid on various projects. Hence, an ideal project title should be self-explanatory, attractive, and should summarize what the project is all about. This will help you get more proposals from our experts.

For example, a title like “Need help writing an algorithm to track customer preferences in real time” OR “Algorithm expert needed to help track customer preferences” is much better than something like “Tracking customer preferences.” The first two examples clearly explain what the client is looking for and the type of expertise required, whereas the third example sounds quite vague and might miss out on proposals from some highly qualified algorithm experts.

2. Service category: Currently, we categorize our projects under the following heads: Literature Search, Scientific Consulting, Data Analysis, Editing, Experiment Design, Statistical Review, and Writing. However, if your project doesn’t fall under any of these heads, you can select the “Other” category and enter your project details directly in the project description box that opens up.

3. Project description: Selecting each service will open up a different project description with help text relevant for that service. Try to be as elaborate as possible so that the project description helps our freelancers in not only understanding the project but also in determining the effort required to complete the task. This will also help them quote a suitable fee for your project.

However, if you’re unclear about what details to enter in the project description, you can always enter some basic information and invite freelancers to discuss details.

4. Share files: Again, this is related to your project. Please do not share any confidential files since these can be viewed by anyone who has a Kolabtree account. You can just share some sample data or a reference file that might be useful for freelancers to understand your project better. Always remember to label your files with self-explanatory notes especially when you need to upload multiple reference files.

Also, if you really want to exchange some confidential file without which it wouldn’t be possible to explain your project better, then we recommend that you use the chat feature.

Our exclusive chat feature allows you to chat and exchange files with freelancers who’ve submitted proposals for your project even before you’ve selected them. Hence, you can check the profiles of these freelancers, and share files with those who seem suitable for your project. Files shared through this chat feature will be visible only to that specific freelancer. You can choose to ask the freelancer to sign a non-confidentiality agreement (NDA) before you share a confidential file. Remember that the freelancer will not be bound by any confidentiality clauses if you do not request to sign an NDA before sharing any file/data.

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5. Subject-area expertise & Skill set:

Subject-area expertise: This section helps freelancers understand the type of expertise needed at a quick glance. This also helps the Kolabtree team in shortlisting and inviting relevant freelancers to submit proposals for your project. Please add as many relevant subject areas as possible to attract a decent number of proposals.

Skill-set: Skill sets are slightly different from subject-area expertise. For example, you might be looking for a subject area expert in linguistics with the skill set to design a curriculum for ESL authors. There might be dozens of linguistics experts but only a few of them will have experience in designing ESL curriculum. Hence, you can use the skill set category to specify domain expertise within a particular subject area.

6. Budget & Deadline

Budget: You can quote a flexible budget when you’re not sure about the fees that might be suitable for a certain task or if you have a fair idea but do not want to limit proposals because of a slightly lower fee. However, if you have a fixed budget in mind, select the “Budget cannot exceed” option and quote the maximum fee you’re willing to pay for the project. Remember that Kolabtree does not charge any fees from clients. Hence, you need to pay only the amount quoted by a freelancer whom you’ve accepted for your project.

Deadline: You should choose a flexible deadline only if the project does not have a critical timeline and you’re fine with a delay in project completion. However, if your project is time sensitive and you absolutely need to complete the project before a certain date, choose the “Work must be completed and delivered by” option and enter your deadline in the adjacent box.

Feel free to write to us at contact@localhost in case you’re stuck at any point or need any other assistance. We’ll respond as soon as possible.

Kolabtree helps businesses worldwide hire freelance scientists and industry experts on demand. Our freelancers have helped companies publish research papers, develop products, analyze data, and more. It only takes a minute to tell us what you need done and get quotes from experts for free.

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About Author

Minhaj manages operations at Kolabtree

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