

Achenyo Ochuma氏は、Kolabtreeで独立した製薬会社のコンサルタントとして、以下のようなキャリアについて書いています。 薬学 20年間の経験をもとに.になるための方法を書き留めています。 医薬コンサルタント.


Pharmaceutical Scienceは、以下の分野の学問です。 ライフサイエンス を含む様々なコア基礎科目の組み合わせで構成されています。 ケミストリー. My undergraduate degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences covered modules in Drug Action, Physiological systems, Bioanalysis, Pharmaceutical Products, 医薬品開発, Pharmacokinetics, Instrumentation, Pharmaceutics and Technology Transfer in a 3 year program. The modules were studied and assessed alongside practical laboratory experience. I also had the opportunity at the time to do a 1 year industrial placement program prior to my final year in university where I gained valuable work experience as a laboratory technician in an analytical company. I learnt about basic laboratory skills and application of theoretical techniques. This enabled more possibilities for my final year project and dissertation which was over one year later, when I returned to do part of my experiments in the same lab.




大学卒業後の業界についての知識は、学位課程の最後の2年間に勉強していたときの調査に基づいています。大学のキャリアセンターでは、様々な出版物や参考資料から、各業界に合わせたキャリアガイドまで、幅広い情報を得ることができました。 製薬業界 また、関連する専門団体の会員へのリンクもあります。私は、業界団体が作成した、さまざまな製薬会社とその専門分野のディレクトリを確認したことを覚えています。これは、そのような組織が卒業生にどのようなサービスを提供しているのか、連絡先やインターンシップや大学院プログラムへの案内が記載されている良い概要でした。これは、長期的にどこで仕事の機会を探せばいいのかを考える上で、非常に役に立ちました。興味深いことに、私は14年後に同じ組織で働くことになりました。私のキャリアの歩みの中で、学生の頃にガイダンスを与えてくれた場所で働く機会を得たことは充実していました。専門機関もまた、学生や経験者を対象とした多くのイベント、会議、セミナーを提供してくれる貴重な情報源でした。

During this time I joined the Royal Society of ケミストリー as a student member and I maintained my membership till date progressing on from Associate to Full membership level where I gained a lot of exposure to wider aspects of chemical sciences which were relevant to pharmaceutical science with full access to the library and databases which was useful in carrying out research while on my industrial placement and writing my dissertation.


この業界は非常に幅が広いので、興味のある分野を絞り込むために、様々な職種を研究することは重要でした。私の学位コースとの関連性という点では、研究開発、製造、製剤、または製薬のいずれかの方向に進むことができると考えていました。 sales and marketing if I wanted to divert more to the commercial aspects. I would also say that taking a year industrial placement gave me time to think more about what I wanted to do in the long term from gaining hands on experience in the laboratory environment. By the end of my placement I had a clearer view of the direction I wanted to take and this helped me greatly in my search for jobs knowing what to look out for that was suitable for graduates. In order to improve and boost my skills and knowledge I also considered starting a Masters degree to provide more options. I eventually started a course in Pharmaceutical Information Management at a different university on a part time basis alongside my first job a few months after graduation.


私が過去16年間に経験した仕事は、非常に多岐にわたります。私が最初に担当したのは、製薬会社と密接に連携して以下のような業務を行っているCROの臨床プロジェクトアシスタントでした。 臨床試験 on prospective new drugs in early stages of the drug development process, to determine the safety and efficacy in humans on a small scale and collating vital data that determines important properties for further research. This was where my career began within clinical research. I worked in the organisation for over 6 years and moved in different departments covering roles relating to data management and project management. The opportunity was such that I experienced different aspects of the organisation and how it works together across the lab and in office based positions, and it served as a good foundation to apply some of the knowledge I learnt from my studies.

The next job I had was a Data Manager role within the NHS across two prominent teaching hospitals in London which were open to research and linked to academic institutions and funding organisations. This was a unique role as it involved clinical research in a different setting and wider scale across two different sites. I had a lot of transferable skills which helped me ease into the role and adapt to new and different ways of working. An interesting part was patient interaction and making a contribution towards routine ヘルスケア whilst carrying out research therefore I gained more skills. After nearly 2 years I moved on to a new challenge which was considerably different working for a Trade association representing the industry where I started as a Clinical Development Manager and involved a lot of collaboration work with companies, organisations and stakeholders at a high level supporting various initiatives around clinical research, メディカルアフェアーズ そして レギュラトリー・アフェアーズ with the policies, regulations and legislation that underpin relevant activities.

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私の役割は、その間に、より政策的な仕事を取り入れるようになりました。 臨床研究 including regulatory and safety policy. I gained a lot of exposure and networking opportunities with key policy makers considering I had previously worked in more operational roles, I got a better understanding of the bigger picture and a broad perspective on how systems are put in place. Following this I had a brief career break for family reasons and decided to take on an opportunity which was closer to the community where I could directly help the end users who will benefit from the results of work in the various drug development stages. I worked in a Community Pharmacy alongside Pharmacists to carry out dispensing of medication, advice on healthy lifestyle choices and provide guidance on minor ailments. This enabled me use a number of skills to facilitate patient interaction which I found interesting as no day was the same and I acquired additional customer service skills in a retail environment tailored to healthcare. I was keen to develop my skills further and took on the role of customer care ambassador to be the lead and champion in store towards improving customer care services.


The impact of my work experience has helped to broaden my knowledge about the possibilities and also think from the bigger perspective helped me answer in how to become a pharmaceutical consultant. I have learnt to adapt to different situations and work environments. A major advantage for me is the ability to see the connections across different aspects of such a diverse and broad field. I can also see there are a number of emerging roles which will shape the future in terms of digital transformation, bioinformatics そして 人工知能 applied to the industry. A number of opportunities exist across related areas of expertise which overlap with specialities such as pharmacology, biomedical science and biochemistry.


  • Pharmaceutical companies/CRO : Research and Development (pre clinical & clinical research, regulatory affairs, ファーマコビジランス) , Quality assurance, Quality control, manufacturing and formulation, commercial (sales and marketing, health economics), informatics & data management, statistics, medical information, メディカルアフェアーズ
  • ヘルスケア産業。NHS(病院研究、薬局サービス
  • 医療関連のチャリティ
  • 専門機関・団体
  • 政府機関および規制当局
  • 資金提供団体



製薬会社のコンサルタントを雇う必要がありますか?フリーランスで働く バイオスタティシャン, 臨床試験の専門家 そして フリーランスのメディカルライター をKolabtreeに掲載しました。 

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Ramya Sriramは、科学者のための世界最大のフリーランス・プラットフォームであるKolabtree (kolabtree.com)で、デジタルコンテンツとコミュニケーションを管理しています。出版、広告、デジタルコンテンツ制作の分野で10年以上の経験があります。


  1. 私もカナダのバンクーバーで製薬会社のコンサルタントをしていますが、あなたの記事を興味深く読みました。私もカナダのバンクーバーを拠点とする製薬会社のコンサルタントです。あなたとメールで連絡を取り合い、お互いのことをもっと知り、サポートし合えたらと思います。ありがとうございます。

  2. 私もインドのMangloreを拠点とする製薬会社のコンサルタントです。私もインドのMangloreを拠点とする製薬会社のコンサルタントです。ありがとうございます。
