電子パスポートの不正防止のための虹彩、指紋、顔のバイオメトリクスの組み込み Fuzzy Vaultの使用
Dr. Khaled A. Nagaty
Dr. Katarzyna Bobkowska
Dr. Marek Przyborski
掲載論文へのリンク https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1049/iet-ipr.2019.0072
Dr. Khaled A. Nagaty is a Professor of computer science and the director of university eLearning at the British University in Egypt. Professor Nagaty has published over 40 papers on different subjects including cloud computing, biometrics, bioinformatics, steganography, image processing and e-commerce. He is a reviewer in many scientific journals and international conferences which include: IET Biometrics, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and more. His Ph.D. in computer science was published in the form of printed book by Lap Lambert in Germany, 2012. He has supervised master’s theses in the fields of face recognition, content base image retrieval, case base reasoning, genetic algorithms, and DNA steganography. Currently he is a permanent Professor at the BUE in Egypt.