Computational Biology:学際的で統合的な科学


For many years, Biology, in general, was a discipline considered to be similar to library sciences, due to the practice of collecting specimens and samples and cataloging them. (I made a herbarium  for my high school project.) However, since the 1970s, the advancements in 分子生物学 and in allied areas of biological リサーチ, has made Biology diversified. It is no longer a library science. Also, the need for interdisciplinary research has become more prominent. This is evident,specifically in Computational Biology and バイオインフォマティクス, with scientists from diverse background expertise, working on a common problem. In the current scenario, with the advent of newer technologies and techniques, interdisciplinary and integrative scientific research skills are in high demand.




コンピュータ・バイオロジーでは 生物学的な問題を解決するために意図されていない、あるいは発明されていないアルゴリズムの実装に成功し、開発されたツールによってこの分野は大きく発展した [3]. For example, dynamic programming, intended for finding the shortest path, was successfully applied for aligning sequences (both global and local alignment). An extension of the same is BLAST, a popular and essential tool for biologists to identify homologs for a given sequence. Thus, knowledge of algorithms and updating one with variants of the algorithms is essential for a computational biologist.




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The potential of using statistics, mathematics, computer science and signal processing in biology is immense. The key to develop an integrative research is communication. Communication with colleagues from other departments is the key. Also, a knack for looking out where the field is moving towards helps. Some interdisciplinary research in computational biology yielding groundbreaking results will be in discussed in subsequent posts.


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2008年、ニューデリーのジャワハルラール・ネルー大学で計算生物学とバイオインフォマティクスの博士号を取得。その後、アイオワ州立大学(2009年~2011年)、ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校(2011年~2012年)、ライス大学(2012年~2014年)でポスドク研究を行いました。 現在、インドのヒマーチャル・プラデーシュ州ワクナガットにあるJaypee University of Information Technologyの助教授を務めている。
