Experto destacado: Lester Ingber


This week’s featured expert is an interdisciplinary physicist who has a wide range of accomplishments to his credit. Dr. Lester Ingber has published over 100 papers and books in theoretical nuclear physics, neurociencia, finance, optimization, combat analysis, karate, and education. Through Lester Ingber Investigar (LIR) in Ashland, Oregon, he develops and consults on projects documented in He is currently Principal Investigator (PI) of the National Science Foundation ( collaborative supercomputer resource, The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (

Prof. Ingber has held positions in academia, government and industry: National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley and UC Los Angeles; Assistant Professor in física at SUNY at Stony Brook; Research Physicist in the Physics department and in the Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences at UC San Diego; Research Associate at UC San Diego in the Music department; twice Senior Research Associate of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences; Professor of Physics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey CA and the US Army Concepts Analysis Agency in Bethesda MD; Research Professor of Mathematics at The George Washington University in DC; Director of Research and Development at trading firm DRW in Chicago IL and hedge fund DUNN Capital Management in Stuart FL; Editor-in-Chief at Research Publisher for: Current Progress Journal (timely topics in science), Graduate Journal of Research, and Undergraduate Journal of Research, and associated e-conferences for these three journals; Partner in Pion Capital, a hedge-fund partnership of Caltech alumni; PI of a physics project.

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Specializations: Mathematical Optimization, Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Finance Mathematics, Educational Administration, Nonprofit Organization Administration, Applied Physics, Military Technology, Arms & Defense Industry

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Ramya Sriram gestiona los contenidos digitales y las comunicaciones en Kolabtree (, la mayor plataforma de trabajo autónomo para científicos del mundo. Cuenta con más de una década de experiencia en edición, publicidad y creación de contenidos digitales.

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