AI Trends in MedTech and Digital Healthcare: Kolabtree Whitepaper


Kolabtree have recently published a whitepaper on ‘AI trends in medtech and digital Gesundheitswesen’, authored by Dr. Morgana Moretti, Freiberuflich medizinischer Autor on the Kolabtree platform.

The rise of AI trends and capabilities has been consistent across various domains in the last few years, and its impact has been emphatic in the MedTech und Gesundheitswesen industries as well. With AI and maschinelles Lernen solutions growing highly sophisticated to the point of accurately mimicking human intelligence, Medizinprodukt and healthcare players are using this to optimize diagnosis and disease detection.

From drug discovery to predicting medicine shortages, this white paper explores how AI can be the next significant change in healthcare. Download the whitepaper below.

According to a market research report that MarketsandMarkets™ published, the revolutionization that AI is driving across Medtech and healthcare is here to stay. The global AI in healthcare market size was valued at USD 6.9 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 67.4 billion by 2027, pointing to an undeniable growth across various significant sectors.

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There are specific examples of Forschung to pinpoint the potential of AI trends and technology to result in impactful outcomes. AI-facilitated drug discovery, for instance, has the potential to increase productivity, improve efficiency and accelerate discovery timelines. Recent research supports this assumption by showing that many AI-enabled programs completed the entire discovery and preclinical journey in less than four years, which compares favourably to historical timelines of five to six years.

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