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USD 80 /hr
Hire Dr. Valerio E.
United States
USD 80 /hr

PhD professional - Drug Discovery, Cell, DNA, RNA and Protein Assays, Bioinfomatics RNA-seq Analysis, Technical Writing

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Clinical Trial Documentation, Medical Writing, Technical Writing, Business & Legal Writing, Copywriting, Newswriting, General Proofreading & Editing, Translation
Research Meta-Research, Feasibility Study, Technology Scouting, Gap Analysis, Gray Literature Search, Scientific and Technical Research, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Consulting Operations Consulting, Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Predictive Modeling, Statistical Analysis, Image Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Processing
Product Development Formulation, Recipe Development, Stability/Shelf Life Testing, Product Evaluation, Product Validation
Work Experience

Freelance Bioinformatics Data Analyst and Technical Writer

Upwork Global Inc

December 2023 - Present

Research Scientists

Viscient Biosciences

January 2021 - November 2023

Graduate Research Associate

The Ohio State University

August 2014 - December 2020

Research Associate

Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

January 2013 - August 2014

Research Associate

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

April 2012 - December 2012

Research Associate

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

January 2012 - December 2012

Graduate Research Associate

Telethon Foundation

January 2006 - June 2011

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

August 2006 - March 2007


PhD in Cellular Biology

The Ohio State University

August 2014 - December 2020

Masters in Biotechnology

University of Naples - Federico II

September 2007 - June 2011

Bachelor in Biotechnology

University of Naples - Federico II

September 2003 - March 2007

  • Certification details not provided.
Valerio Embrione, Tyler Sheetz, Joseph Mills, Anna Tessari, Megan Pawlikowski, Ashley E. Braddom, Tasha Posid, Debra L. Zynger, Cindy James, Kareesma Parbhoo, et al. (2020). NCL Inhibition Exerts Antineoplastic Effects against Prostate Cancer Cells by Modulating Oncogenic MicroRNAs . Cancers.
Tessari, A., Parbhoo, K., Pawlikowski, M., Fassan, M., Rulli, E., Foray, C., Fabbri, A., Embrione, V., Ganzinelli, M., Capece, M., et al.(2018). RANBP9 affects cancer cells response to genotoxic stress and its overexpression is associated with worse response to platinum in NSCLC patients . Oncogene. 37. (50). p. 6463-6476.
Fusco, S., Panzetta, V., Embrione, V., Netti, P.A.(2015). Crosstalk between focal adhesions and material mechanical properties governs cell mechanics and functions . Acta Biomaterialia. 23. p. 63-71.
Miccio, L., Memmolo, P., Merola, F., Fusco, S., Embrione, V., Paciello, A., Ventre, M., Netti, P.A., Ferraro, P.(2014). Particle tracking by full-field complex wavefront subtraction in digital holography microscopy . Lab on a Chip. 14. (6). p. 1129-1134.
Memmolo, P., Miccio, L., Merola, F., Paciello, A., Embrione, V., Fusco, S., Ferraro, P., Antonio Netti, P.(2014). Investigation on specific solutions of Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm . Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 52. (1). p. 206-211.
Sardiello, M., Palmieri, M., Ronza, A.D., Medina, D.L., Valenza, M., Gennarino, V.A., Di Malta, C., Donaudy, F., Embrione, V., Polishchuk, R.S., et al.(2009). A gene network regulating lysosomal biogenesis and function . Science. 325. (5939). p. 473-477.
Miccio, L., Memmolo, P., Merola, F., Fusco, S., Embrione, V., Netti, P.A., Ferraro, P.(2013). A new 3D tracking method exploiting the capabilities of digital holography in microscopy . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 8792.
Miccio, L., Memmolo, P., Merola, F., Fusco, S., Embrione, V., Netti, P.A., Ferraro, P.(2013). Cell mechanics investigation by digital holographic microscopy . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 8792.
Miccio, L., Memmolo, P., Merola, F., Fusco, S., Embrione, V., Netti, P.A., Ferraro, P.(2013). Cell-material interaction investigated by digital holographic microscopy . Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.