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Profile Details
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USD 50 /hr
Hire Dr. Toktam S.
USD 50 /hr

Terrestrial Ecologist & Environmental Analyst with consulting and business development skills; 15+ years experience

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing, Copywriting, Newswriting
Research Market Research, Feasibility Study, Fact Checking, Gray Literature Search, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization
Product Development Formulation
Work Experience


IISAAK OLAM Foundation

November 2021 - Present

Self-employed, Business development and CEO

TL Art

March 2018 - December 2020

Office Manager and co-owner, Business Development

Oceanview Dental

April 2016 - January 2020

Research Associate/Analyst

British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and UBC

December 2015 - May 2016


Sustainable Resource Management Program, British Columbia Institute of Technology

August 2013 - August 2014

Sessional Teaching Associate/Instructor

The University of British Columbia - Faculty of Forestry

September 2010 - August 2013

Officeholder and deputy coordinator

International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Devision of Ecology and Silviculture of Beech

January 2010 - January 2013

Project Manager

University of British Columbia, Department of Forest Sciences

October 2010 - January 2012

Graduate research assistant (PhD)

University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry

May 2004 - September 2010

Environmental Consultant and Vegetation Ecologist

Jame Iran Consulting Engineers Co. and Yekom Consulting Engineers Co.

May 1997 - May 2003


Forest Ecosystem Ecology and Productivity

University of British Columbia

May 2004 - September 2010

M.Sc. Forest Resource Management

Tehran University

September 1999 - September 2002

  • Certification details not provided.