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USD 100 /hr
Hire Paul S.
United States
USD 100 /hr

Experienced Biochemist / Computational Biologist / Data Scientist

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing
Research Market Research, User Research, Fact Checking, Systematic Literature Review
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Predictive Modeling, Statistical Analysis, Algorithm Design-Non ML, Big Data Analytics, Data Processing, Data Insights
Product Development Formulation, Product Evaluation
Work Experience

Data Scientist

One Drop

April 2021 - May 2022

Software Engineer

Exos (United States)

January 2020 - August 2020

Assistant Professor

Fordham University

August 2013 - August 2019

Software Developer

Schrodinger LLC New York Office

March 2010 - November 2010


PhD (Biological Sciences)

Columbia University

September 2000 - October 2005


Columbia College

September 1995 - April 1999

Tiffany Yip and Paul Smith and Michael Tynes and Sheena Mirpuri and Ashley Weems and Yuen Mi Cheon(2021). Discrimination and hair cortisol concentration among asian, latinx and white young adults . Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology. 6. p. 100047. Elsevier {BV}
Smith, Paul and Ho, C. Kiong and Takagi, Yuko and Djaballah, Hakim and Shuman, Stewart(2016). Nanomolar Inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei RNA Triphosphatase . MBio. 7. (1). p. e00058--00016.
Unciuleac, Mihaela-Carmen and Smith, Paul C. and Shuman, Stewart(2016). Crystal Structure and Biochemical Characterization of a Mycobacterium smegmatis AAA-Type Nucleoside Triphosphatase Phosphohydrolase (Msm0858) . J. Bacteriol. 198. (10). p. 1521--1533.
Jacewicz, Agata and Chico, Lidia and Smith, Paul and Schwer, Beate and Shuman, Stewart(2015). Structural basis for recognition of intron branchpoint RNA by yeast Msl5 and selective effects of interfacial mutations on splicing of yeast pre-mRNAs . RNA. 21. (3). p. 401--414.
Jacewicz, Agata and Schwer, Beate and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2014). Crystal structure, mutational analysis and RNA-dependent ATPase activity of the yeast DEAD-box pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp28 . Nucleic Acids Res. 42. (20). p. 12885--12898.
Chakravarty, Anupam K. and Smith, Paul and Jalan, Radhika and Shuman, Stewart(2014). Structure, mechanism, and specificity of a eukaryal tRNA restriction enzyme involved in self-nonself discrimination . Cell Rep. 7. (2). p. 339--347.
Boël, Grégory and Smith, Paul C. and Ning, Wei and Englander, Michael T. and Chen, Bo and Hashem, Yaser and Testa, Anthony J. and Fischer, Jeffrey J. and Wieden, Hans-Joachim and Frank, Joachim and Gonzalez, Ruben L. and Hunt, John F.(2014). The ABC-F protein EttA gates ribosome entry into the translation elongation cycle . Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 21. (2). p. 143--151.
Das, Ushati and Wang, Li Kai and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2013). Structural and biochemical analysis of the phosphate donor specificity of the polynucleotide kinase component of the bacterial pnkp•hen1 RNA repair system . Biochemistry. 52. (27). p. 4734--4743.
Wang, Li Kai and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2013). Structure and mechanism of the 2',3' phosphatase component of the bacterial Pnkp-Hen1 RNA repair system . Nucleic Acids Res. 41. (11). p. 5864--5873.
Wang, Li Kai and Das, Ushati and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2012). Structure and mechanism of the polynucleotide kinase component of the bacterial Pnkp-Hen1 RNA repair system . RNA. 18. (12). p. 2277--2286.
Smith, Paul and Wang, Li Kai and Nair, Pravin A. and Shuman, Stewart(2012). The adenylyltransferase domain of bacterial Pnkp defines a unique RNA ligase family . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109. (7). p. 2296--2301.
Das, Ushati and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2012). Structural insights to the metal specificity of an archaeal member of the LigD 3'-phosphoesterase DNA repair enzyme family . Nucleic Acids Res. 40. (2). p. 828--836.
Chakravarty, Anupam K. and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2011). Structures of RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase bound to ATP reveal the mechanism of nucleotidyl transfer and metal-assisted catalysis . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108. (52). p. 21034--21039.
Tanaka, Naoko and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2011). Crystal structure of Rcl1, an essential component of the eukaryal pre-rRNA processosome implicated in 18s rRNA biogenesis . RNA. 17. (4). p. 595--602.
Smith, Paul and Nair, Pravin A. and Das, Ushati and Zhu, Hui and Shuman, Stewart(2011). Structures and activities of archaeal members of the LigD 3'-phosphoesterase DNA repair enzyme superfamily . Nucleic Acids Res. 39. (8). p. 3310--3320.
Samai, Poulami and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2010). Structure of a CRISPR-associated protein Cas2 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris . Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 66. (Pt 12). p. 1552--1556.
Nair, Pravin A. and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2010). Structure of bacterial LigD 3'-phosphoesterase unveils a DNA repair superfamily . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107. (29). p. 12822--12827.
Tanaka, Naoko and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2010). Structure of the RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase-adenylate intermediate illuminates nucleotide specificity and covalent nucleotidyl transfer . Structure. 18. (4). p. 449--457.
Benarroch, Delphine and Smith, Paul and Shuman, Stewart(2008). Characterization of a trifunctional mimivirus mRNA capping enzyme and crystal structure of the RNA triphosphatase domain . Structure. 16. (4). p. 501--512.
Zhu, Hui and Smith, Paul and Wang, Li Kai and Shuman, Stewart(2007). Structure-function analysis of the 3' phosphatase component of T4 polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase . Virology. 366. (1). p. 126--136.
Nair, Pravin A. and Nandakumar, Jayakrishnan and Smith, Paul and Odell, Mark and Lima, Christopher D. and Shuman, Stewart(2007). Structural basis for nick recognition by a minimal pluripotent DNA ligase . Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 14. (8). p. 770--778.
Karpowich, Nathan K. and Huang, Hector H. and Smith, Paul C. and Hunt, John F.(2003). Crystal structures of the BtuF periplasmic-binding protein for vitamin B12 suggest a functionally important reduction in protein mobility upon ligand binding . J. Biol. Chem. 278. (10). p. 8429--8434.
Benach, Jordi and Chou, Yi-Te and Fak, John J. and Itkin, Anna and Nicolae, Daita D. and Smith, Paul C. and Wittrock, Guenther and Floyd, Daniel L. and Golsaz, Cyrus M. and Gierasch, Lila M. and Hunt, John F.(2003). Phospholipid-induced monomerization and signal-peptide-induced oligomerization of SecA . J. Biol. Chem. 278. (6). p. 3628--3638.
Keller, Jacob P. and Smith, Paul M. and Benach, Jordi and Christendat, Dinesh and deTitta, George T. and Hunt, John F.(2002). The crystal structure of MT0146/CbiT suggests that the putative precorrin-8w decarboxylase is a methyltransferase. Structure. 10. (11). p. 1475--1487.
Smith, Paul C. and Karpowich, Nathan and Millen, Linda and Moody, Jonathan E. and Rosen, Jane and Thomas, Philip J. and Hunt, John F.(2002). ATP binding to the motor domain from an ABC transporter drives formation of a nucleotide sandwich dimer. Mol. Cell. 10. (1). p. 139--149.
Smith, Paul C. and Firestein, Stuart and Hunt, John F.(2002). The crystal structure of the olfactory marker protein at 2.3 A resolution . J. Mol. Biol. 319. (3). p. 807--821.