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USD 100 /hr
Hire Dr. Ken B.
USD 100 /hr

Physical and Materials Chemist with 25+ years of experience in research, project and team management.

Profile Summary
Subject Matter Expertise
Writing Technical Writing, General Proofreading & Editing
Research Feasibility Study, Technology Scouting, Fact Checking, Gap Analysis, Scientific and Technical Research, Systematic Literature Review, Secondary Data Collection
Consulting Scientific and Technical Consulting
Data & AI Statistical Analysis, Image Processing, Image Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Processing, Data Insights
Product Development Formulation, Product Evaluation, Material Sourcing, Quality Assurance & Control (QA/QC), Prototyping, Device Fabrication
Work Experience

Team Leader, Nanomaterial Depositions and Characterizations Team

National Research Council Canada

2019 - 2024

Research Officer

National Research Council Canada

2005 - 2019

Visiting Scientist

Cornell University

2003 - 2005

Post-Doctoral Research Scientist

Columbia University

2000 - 2003


Doctorate in Experimental Physical Chemistry (Chemistry)

University of Toronto

1996 - 2000

Bachelors in Engineering Chemistry (Applied Sciences)

Queen's University

1992 - 1996

  • Duolingo Spanish Fluency: Intermediate (Estimated)


    July 2016 - Present

  • Project Leadership Certification

    Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

    November 2015 - Present

Bruce, J., Bosnick, K., Kamali Heidari, E.(2022). Pd-decorated ZnO nanoflowers as a promising gas sensor for the detection of meat spoilage . Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 355.
Ken Bosnick, Angela Beltaos, Adam Johan Bergren, Nikola Pekas, Stephen Lane, Kai Cui, Aleksandar Matković, Al Meldrum(2017). Visible light emission in graphene field effect transistors . Nano Futures. 1. (2). p. 025004. {IOP} Publishing
Motamedi, P., Bosnick, K., Cui, K., Cadien, K., Hogan, J.D.(2017). Growth and Characterization of Metastable Hexagonal Nickel Thin Films via Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition . ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 9. (29). p. 24722-24730.
Cui, K., Bosnick, K., Indoe, R., Malac, M., Mcleod, R.A.(2017). Quality evaluation of ultra-thin samples: Application to graphene . Microscopy Research and Technique. 80. (8). p. 823-830.
Beltaos, A., Bergren, A.J., Bosnick, K., Pekas, N., Lane, S., Cui, K., Matkovic, A., Meldrum, A.(2017). Visible light emission in graphene field effect transistors . Nano Futures. 1. (2).
Bosnick, K.A., Wang, H.M., Haslett, T.L., Moskovits, M.(2016). Quantitative Determination of the Raman Enhancement of Ag<inf>30</inf>(CO)<inf>25</inf> and Ag<inf>50</inf>(CO)<inf>40</inf> Matrix Isolated in Solid Carbon Monoxide . Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120. (37). p. 20506-20511.
Cui, K., Bosnick, K., Indoe, R., Malac, M.(2014). Electron diffraction-based quality evaluation of graphene films . Microscopy and Microanalysis. 20. (3). p. 1786-1787.
Gabor, N.M., Zhong, Z., Bosnick, K., McEuen, P.L.(2012). Ultrafast photocurrent measurement of the escape time of electrons and holes from carbon nanotube p-i-n photodiodes . Physical Review Letters. 108. (8).
Bosnick, K., Ban, S., Hiebert, W., Shi, Z., Huang, C., Lister, R., Mleczko, M.(2011). Organic vapor adsorption on in situ grown carbon nanotube films . Carbon. 49. (11). p. 3639-3644.
Bosnick, K., Dai, L.(2010). Growth kinetics in a large-bore vertically aligned carbon nanotube film deposition process . Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114. (16). p. 7226-7230.
Gabor, N.M., Zhong, Z., Bosnick, K., Park, J., McEuen, P.L.(2009). Extremely efficient multiple electron-hole pair generation in carbon nanotube photodiodes . Science. 325. (5946). p. 1367-1371.
Dai, L., Wang, P., Bosnick, K.(2009). Large-scale production and metrology of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films . Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 27. (4). p. 1071-1075.
Decker, J.E., Hight Walker, A.R., Bosnick, K., Clifford, C.A., Dai, L., Fagan, J., Hooker, S., Jakubek, Z.J., Kingston, C., Makar, J., et al.(2009). Sample preparation protocols for realization of reproducible characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes . Metrologia. 46. (6). p. 682-692.
Lau, M., Dai, L., Bosnick, K., Evoy, S.(2009). Synthesis and characterization of TiO<inf>x</inf> nanowires using a novel silicon oxide support layer . Nanotechnology. 20. (2).
Bosnick, K., Gabor, N., McEuen, P.(2006). Transport in carbon nanotube p-i-n diodes . Applied Physics Letters. 89. (16).
Jiang, J., Bosnick, K., Maillard, M., Brus, L.(2003). Single molecule Raman spectroscopy at the junctions of large Ag nanocrystals . Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107. (37). p. 9964-9972.
Tang, J., Myers, M., Bosnick, K.A., Brus, L.E.(2003). Magnetite Fe<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> nanocrystals: Spectroscopic observation of aqueous oxidation kinetics . Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107. (30). p. 7501-7506.
Bosnick, K.A., Jiang, J., Brus, L.E.(2002). Fluctuations and local symmetry in single-molecule Rhodamine 6G Raman scattering on silver nanocrystal aggregates . Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 106. (33). p. 8096-8099.
Bosnick, K.A.(2000). An exploration of operator methods in the E⊗e Jahn-Teller problem . Chemical Physics Letters. 317. (6). p. 524-528.
Almawlawi, D., Bosnick, K.A., Osika, A., Moskovits, M.(2000). Fabrication of nanometer-scale patterns by ion-milling with porous anodic alumina masks . Advanced Materials. 12. (17). p. 1252-1257.
Haslett, T.L., Fedrigo, S., Bosnick, K., Moskovits, M., Duarte, H.A., Salahub, D.(2000). Binary iron-dinitrogen compounds synthesized by co-deposition of mass- selected Fe, Fe<inf>2</inf>, and Fe<inf>3</inf> with N<inf>2</inf> . Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122. (25). p. 6039-6044.
Haslett, T.L., Bosnick, K.A., Fedrigo, S., Moskovits, M.(1999). Resonance Raman spectroscopy of matrix-isolated mass-selected Fe<inf>3</inf> and Ag<inf>3</inf> . Journal of Chemical Physics. 111. (14). p. 6456-6461.
Bosnick, K.A., Haslett, T.L., Fedrigo, S., Moskovits, M., Chan, W.-T., Fournier, R.(1999). Tricapped tetrahedral Ag<inf>7</inf>: A structural determination by resonance Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory . Journal of Chemical Physics. 111. (19). p. 8867-8870.
Haslett, T.L., Bosnick, K.A., Moskovits, M.(1998). Ag<inf>5</inf> is a planar trapezoidal molecule . Journal of Chemical Physics. 108. (9). p. 3453-3457.
Bosnick, K., Benhalima, A., Chapleau, N., Tefashe, U.M., Bergren, A.J., Yang, Q., Champagne, M.(2018). Graphene - Epoxy composites for anti-corrosion coatings . TechConnect Briefs 2018 - Advanced Materials. 1. p. 240-243.
Bosnick, K., Tay, L.-L., Bruce, J., Smith, B., Zhang, H., Shwartz, C.(2018). Meat spoilage sensing devices . TechConnect Briefs 2018 - Advanced Materials. 3. p. 12-15.
Bosnick, K., Benhalima, A., Chapleau, N., Champagne, M.(2018). Modification of cellulose nanocrystals for compostable food packaging . TechConnect Briefs 2018 - Advanced Materials. 1. p. 163-166.
Bosnick, K., Motamedi, P., Patrie, T., Cadien, K.(2017). Conformal carbon nanotube coatings for ceramic composite structures . MRS Advances. 2. (28). p. 1499-1503.
Bosnick, K., Chapleau, N., Champagne, M., Bergren, A., Benhalima, A., Launspach, S.(2017). Graphenic nanocomposite barrier films . MRS Advances. 2. (1). p. 33-38.
Lo, J., Zhang, R., Shalchi-Amirkhiz, B., Walsh, D., Bolduc, M., Lin, S., Simard, B., Bosnick, K., O&#39;Toole, M., Merati, A., et al.(2016). Improving fracture toughness of alumina with multi-walled carbon nanotube and alumina fiber reinforcements . Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings. 36. (4). p. 137-145.