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Sete palestras recentes da TED sobre ciência de dados com as quais todos nós podemos aprender

Ciência dos dados is giving rise to new possibilities in every walk of life — saúde, ciências da vida, business, AI and robotics, banking, social science, and more. The amount of data we have at our disposal is growing on a daily basis, and what we do with that data has the power to transform the world. Análise de dados, AI and aprendizagem de máquinas can be used to combat some of the biggest problems we are facing today — from planning smart cities to preventing the spread of diseases. Here are some of the most inspiring, recent TED talks given by global leaders in the science.

1. Rebecca Nugent: We’re all data scientists, TEDxCMU 2017

We're All Data Scientists | Rebecca Nugent | TEDxCMU

2. Cathy O’Neil: The era of blind faith in big data must end, TED2017

3. Mallory Soldner: Your company’s data could help end world hunger, TED@UPS, September 2016

4. Tricia Wang; As percepções humanas que faltam nos dados, TEDxCambridge, 2016

5. R. Luke Dubios: Retratos humanos insightful feitos a partir de dados, TED2016

6. Maurice Conti: As incríveis invenções da IA intuitiva, TEDxPortland, 2016

7.  Joy Buolamwini: How I’m fighting bias in algorithms, TEDxBeaconStreet 2016

Do you have a talk that you’d like to share with us? Tell us in the comments below.

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