O Blog Kolabtree

Uma Plataforma para Cientistas Freelance: A Kolabtree se destaca na natureza

Natureza, in its recent article, “Flexibilidade de trabalho: A ciência na economia do trabalho“, lists Kolabtree as one of the platforms through which organizations can benefit by consulting freelance scientists. We’re delighted to have received recognition from one of the most reputed scientific journals in the world!

Over the last decade, there has been a huge rise in the number of on-demand workers worldwide. Pesquisa labs, government and non-profit organizations, large corporations, and small businesses are increasingly outsourcing their projects due to various reasons: geographical restrictions, financial/policy barriers and lack of access to specialized resources. Kolabtree tem sido uma das plataformas que quebram essas barreiras e facilitam as colaborações, ajudando as organizações a acessar facilmente os conhecimentos científicos especializados.

Ouça Roberta Kwok, a autora do artigo da Nature, falar sobre cientistas freelance e Kolabtree para Sexta-feira da ciência 

Our global pool of experts consult on various subject areas — ciência dos dados, biotecnologia, ciência dos alimentos, estatísticas, writing, editing, and more. Most of our experts have PhDs, an some have had decades of industry/research experience. We asked some of our experts to share their experiences as freelance scientists, and how Kolabtree has been of value to them. Here are their thoughts.

Richard Bradford, Analista certificado de dados de saúde, fundador de uma empresa de consultoria estatística 

“Working as a freelance scientist is both professionally and personally very rewarding. One of the most appealing aspects of this arrangement is the variety of projects you get to work on. You get to learn about different fields and endeavors and are therefore challenged to be constantly learning and researching. My experiences have all been very positive, the clients I’ve had the pleasure of working with have been professional and friendly and a joy to work with.

The folks at Kolabtree have developed a very user friendly platform that allows me to review and bid on projects. Kolabtree has been an excellent partner in helping me connect to clients who need my expertise. I’ve enjoyed my relationship with the Kolabtree group and am looking forward to continuing this mutually beneficial relationship. I like the idea that all three parties, the client, the expert and Kolabtree work together in a way that provides value to the client, is fair to the expert, and beneficial to Kolabtree.”

Emil Pricop, Engenheiro de Sistemas Experiente e Desenvolvedor de Software

“I am currently working as lecturer at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania. This job is very challenging, but it lets me enough free time for collaborating with contractors and other researchers on Kolabtree. Before finding out about Kolabtree I never thought I can work as a scientist from my home on a freelance basis. When I found Kolabtree, which is a niche platform, I was convinced that it is the platform I’ve missed for years.

Trabalhei anteriormente como programador backend freelance e não imaginava que pudesse trabalhar como pesquisador de minha casa. Trabalhar como cientista freelancer não é tão simples quanto parece no início. Há certas vantagens, mas também há alguns inconvenientes. Tenho que administrar meu tempo e meus prazos cuidadosamente, mas tenho a liberdade de trabalhar exatamente quando tenho idéias, mesmo que seja tarde da noite ou de manhã cedo. Além disso, gosto da possibilidade de escolher os projetos para os quais quero trabalhar. Às vezes sinto falta do laboratório e da equipe de pesquisa, mas superei este inconveniente tentando ter um pequeno laboratório eletrônico em minha casa.

A experiência Kolabtree é surpreendente do meu ponto de vista. Ela me ajudou a encontrar projetos muito interessantes e desafiadores iniciados por pessoas de todo o mundo. Posso dizer que Kolabtree conseguiu fazer uma conexão real entre pesquisadores e cientistas disponíveis e localizados nos cantos opostos do mundo.

A plataforma não só conecta empreiteiros e freelancers, mas também atua como um terceiro de confiança, portanto, sinto-me confiante de que não estou sozinho e todos os projetos são sérios e, finalmente, serei pago pelo meu trabalho.

By using Kolabtree I managed to find challenging projects that allowed me to think out of the box. The feedback received from my clients helped me to gain much more trust in myself and in my knowledge. Also, the successful projects I contracted on Kolabtree were a source of financial stability in the last period.”

Brian Chau, Cientista de Alimentos Freelance 

“I became a freelance food scientist to subsidize my graduate school education in food systems and society. As a freelancer, I’m not tied to any set hours which allows me to do both the work I love while enhancing my education. As a freelance food scientist, there are times that are difficult in finding clients. Kolabtree.com is a free and easy way for me to increase my visibility to potential clients whom I may never have had access. Typically, scientists aren’t hired as freelancers unless they are well connected or have more than 10 years of experience. However, Kolabtree.com allows me to be busy with a stream of clients through their easy to use platform and support from their staff.”


Kolabtree agora tem mais 3000 cientistas on board, from institutions like NASA, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, and more. We’re glad to providing a means for scientists everywhere to share their knowledge, and in the process, democratizing access to scientific research. To watch each project come to fruition is thrilling in itself, and we are looking forward to the success of many more cross-border, interdisciplinary collaborations.

Kolabtree helps businesses worldwide hire freelance scientists and industry experts on demand. Our freelancers have helped companies publish research papers, develop products, analyze data, and more. It only takes a minute to tell us what you need done and get quotes from experts for free.

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