There has been much debate in recent years about how effective or relevant think tanks are in today’s world. In fact, it is difficult to give the term think tank a definition — as it now includes university pesquisa groups, política pública groups, NGOs, advocacy organizations, foundations, and more. Think tanks that are engaging more with practice are being referred to as “think and do” or “do” tanks, whereas those like the Pew Research Center that focus on information, are calling themselves “fact” tanks. While it can all get a bit confusing, the common goal of all these organizations is clear: to conduct in-depth research that can impact public policy and lead to positive reform.
Think tanks carry out research in diverse areas, from saúde para economics. The typical task of a think tank is to conduct in-depth research on a specific topic or towards a specific cause, publish findings and insights, and provide data-driven recommendations that will shape policy and legislation.
Over the years, think tanks have made positive contributions to decision-making, research and policy in countries across the world. Here are 5 think tanks who’ve successfully brought about change and are continuing to work towards reforming policy:
1. Instituição Brookings
Um dos mais antigos e mais conceituados think tanks, Instituição Brookings has been instrumental in shaping policy on a variety of issues in the US. Considered to be America’s most prestigious think tank, the institution has advised Presidents on how to run their administrations smoothly, has published studies that have shaped federal budget and has “produced influential proposals for homeland security and intelligence operations” post the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In the early 2000s, Brookings proposed a child tax credit system in the USA which became part of a major legislation, and helped families reduce their federal tax bill.
A instituição está atualmente defendendo fortemente uma mudança na legislação federal em torno da maconha medicinal. While medical cannabis is already legal in many states in the US, it is still a Schedule 1 drug under the federal law. In a documentary made in May 2018, the institution moved away from its traditional format of books and reports to a new medium. The documentário showcase the life of a teenager struggling with epilepsy who had to move from her home in Virginia (where cannabis oil could not be legally prescribed for her condition) to Colorado to access medical marijuana. She and her mom however became activists and supported the fight for legalization — and in 2018, Virginia approved the use of cannabis oil for medical purposes. Brookings aims to showcase the human side of a volatile debate, and hopes to move the public and influence the government to make what they believe is a necessary change in its cannabis laws.
2. Corporação RAND
RAND Corporation was formed in 1948 just after WWII, with the aim of providing research support to the US Armed Forces. It adopted its name from the term “research and development”. Over the years, RAND has played a huge role in addressing some of society’s biggest challenges and has helped advance scientific research and technology. Their research areas include not just science and technology but also education and literacy, environmental issues, international affairs, climate change, and more. Some of RAND’s achievements in the public policy space include “improving the US healthcare system and providing affordable housing to low-income families”.
Uma de suas atuais áreas de foco é a segurança de zangões de entregae como a política pode ser moldada para garantir que os riscos de utilização desses veículos aéreos sejam minimizados. In 2017, a panel of experts helped the National Institute of Justice identify and analyze how social media and social network analysis can help law enforcement.
3. Instituto de Pesquisa de Políticas Públicas (IPPR)
O IPPR é um dos principais grupos de reflexão no Reino Unido, com programas importantes focados em política econômica, desafios da força de trabalho e um plano para um Brexit progressivo. Seu trabalho recebe considerável atenção da mídia, e teve um grande impacto no passado: um relatório publicado por eles levou diretamente ao desenvolvimento de créditos fiscais para crianças, e seu trabalho em torno do Orçamento da Primavera de 2017 no Reino Unido desencadeou um debate nacional.
The IPPR’s recent work includes a report showcasing public attitudes to a post-Brexit UK and whether the country should continue to align with the EU’s rules around consumer, financial, employment and environmental standards, or whether it should move away from these laws to make its own. The institution also published facts and figures of the changing economy and demographics in its “Prova de futuro: A Grã-Bretanha na década de 2020” report, which not only received nation-wide visibility but also saw engagement from policymakers, politicians and the government.
4. Centro de Soluções Climáticas e Energéticas (C2ES)
A C2ES, ou Centro de Soluções Climáticas e Energéticas (sucesso do Centro Pew sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais) é um grupo de reflexão sediado nos EUA que trabalha para encontrar soluções práticas para as mudanças climáticas. A instituição trabalha com empresas para fortalecer sua resistência às mudanças climáticas, com formuladores de políticas e outros interessados para desenvolver políticas que garantam o progresso climático, e com prefeitos para fortalecer parcerias público-privadas.
One of C2ES’ major achievements is bringing together officials from more than 20 countries to for a dialogue on climate change that paved the way for the 2015 Paris agreement. Junto com o Great Plains Institute, a C2ES convoca a Coalizão de Captura de Carbono, que tem como objetivo a captura de emissões de carbono para uso comercial. Em maio de 2018, a organização publicou uma relatório que delineou como os formuladores de políticas dos EUA poderiam assegurar que sua capacidade nuclear atual fosse mantida, promovendo ao mesmo tempo as energias renováveis.
5. Fundação Família Kaiser (KFF)
The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization that focuses on healthcare issues in the US and provides information on health policy, health reform, global health, etc. They regularly publish in-depth reports on health costs, insurance, Medicaid, women’s health, etc., with the aim of informing policymakers, the media, healthcare organizations and practitioners, and the general public. They also conduct polls and surveys independently and in association with The Washington Post and NPR to identify gaps in the system and analyze how they can be filled. Their “Public Opinion and Survey Research” program conducts research on Americans’ experiences with the healthcare system and provides a platform for under-represented groups to voice their issues in national debates.
A estudo realizada pela KFF em agosto de 2018 descobre que há poucas evidências que sugerem que o emprego melhora a saúde. Discute as considerações a serem consideradas nas exigências de trabalho da Medicaid e destaca as questões de saúde que podem surgir se você perder a cobertura de saúde devido às exigências de trabalho. O estudo foi baseado em um revisão da literatura de pesquisa de mais de 50 fontes.
Recentes relatórios that suggest that think tanks are becoming politicized to the point of becoming lobbyists, and that their research is frequently being passed off as ‘academic literature’. Transparify é uma iniciativa que fornece uma classificação global da transparência financeira dos grupos de reflexão, permitindo-nos decidir quais são legítimos e confiáveis.
Os grupos de reflexão continuam a desempenhar um papel significativo para preencher a lacuna entre os formuladores de políticas, pesquisadores e o público em geral. Perto de 7.000 organizações around the world work under this umbrella term, conducting and publishing research that will lead to a better-informed public and government.
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