Outsourcing clinical リサーチ to a 医療機器 CRO can be a good decision for small medical device businesses. Here’s what to look for while hiring a medical device CRO or 医療機器コンサルタント.
Small-to-medium-sized medical device companies often don’t have the resources to be able to hire full-time teams who can handle all the complexities of clinical research for medical devices. Regulatory requirements, ethical considerations, routes to regulatory approval, technical documents: all of them form a crucial part of the clinical trial process. It is important that medical device companies choose a CRO that has had a good track record of success performing 臨床試験 また、各地域の最新の規制にも対応しています。以下は、アウトソーシングを行う際に確認すべき3つのポイントです。 臨床研究 をCROに提供しています。
Shrinidh Joshi, 臨床研究コンサルタントと フリーランスのメディカルライター on Kolabtree, says, “Many CROs are pharmaceutical-focused and lack sufficient medical device trial experience. Medical device companies should identify this fact early in the CRO evaluation process. The core operational aspects of running pharma and medical device clinical trials are the same, but there are also significant differences. If a CRO has mainly dealt with the pharma clinical trials then it is more than likely that their expertise is not in medical device space.”
He advises, “Medical device companies should be looking for more than general medical device trials experience in a CRO. The ideal vendor for medical device clinical trial will have demonstrated success in conducting clinical research in the product’s therapeutic area and for its specific indication. If the CRO has worked for product designs and devices that are similar to your device or predicates that would be an ideal CRO.”
Honest communication and transparency is the key to a good working relationship. Shrinidh recommends, “While working with a CRO, I cannot stress enough on the importance of mutual transparency, trust, honesty, and communication on both sides of the sponsor (medical device company)-vendor (CRO) relationship beginning as early as the evaluation phase.
“Sponsors should be open with a CRO about exactly what they need from the agreement, what their definitions of success and failure are, what they can afford, and how long they expect the work to take. They should be honest about their in-house capabilities (or lack thereof). It’s also beneficial for sponsors to communicate their strategic approach going forward — not only in clinical but in sales and commercial. It is possible that within the medical device community, the clinical trial environment is relatively new so the sponsors are not necessarily comfortable sharing long-term strategies, commercial strategies, or managed care strategies with CROs or vendors. However, as an insider, I can say that it is so important for vendors to understand the long-term strategies of sponsors.
“On the other side, sponsors should hold out for a vendor that is candid regarding its specific capabilities, areas of strength and weakness, specific services provided, costs, etc. Proper alignment between the medical device company and CRO is important for the success of a medical device clinical trial. The advantages of building a collaborative, mutually respectful relationship with your CRO can be significant.”
CROを選ぶ際には、臨床研究に関わる規制要件や倫理規則の専門家であることを確認することが重要です。欧州では、医療機器メーカーは医療機器規則を遵守し、製品をEU市場に投入することを許可するCEマークを取得する必要があります。このプロセスでは、臨床評価が重要な役割を果たしていますが、そのためにはCEマークの維持・更新が不可欠です。 臨床評価報告書 またはCERの作成が義務付けられています。MDRはまだ新しく、具体的に何が求められているのか不明な点もあるため、特に新しい規制に沿ったCERの作成経験のある専門家と協力することが重要である。米国では FDA は、臨床研究の側面を規定しています。すべての臨床試験は IRBの承認を得るために必要なは、臨床試験プロトコルを審査し、試験が倫理的配慮を満たしていることを確認します。FDAの承認経路、技術文書、臨床試験プロトコル、試験実施のための国際的なガイドラインに精通したコンサルタントに依頼してください。また、コンサルタントが過去に手がけた医療機器の臨床試験の例を必ず尋ね、コンサルタントが提供するものがあなたの期待に応えるものであることを確認してください。
Depending on your requirements you may want to consider working with independent consultants, rather than hiring a full-fledged CRO. Maybe you’re looking for help with a very specific aspect of your research: a one-person job. You may need help with elements of your clinical research such as:
- 規制要件の理解と 規制文書の作成
- 臨床試験プロトコルの作成
- を準備します。 助成金申請 または研究計画書
- 統計解析と結果の検証
- CER(MDR)の臨床評価
- FDA提出書類
- 治験に関するプレスリリースの作成やコーポレートコミュニケーションの構築
を相談する必要があります。 医療機器スペシャリスト? Connect with experts directly on Kolabtree. It’s free to post a project and get quotes. 今すぐ始める