Statisticians are one of the most in-demand professionals in the world today. As the data revolution takes place across industries, organizations of all sizes are seeking help with データ分析. However, statisticians are often expensive to hire full-time, in-house. One solution is to フリーランスの統計学者を雇うまた、必要に応じて、特定のプロジェクトに協力することができます。Kolabtreeは、世界中の研究者や企業が統計分析を行い、データから意味のある洞察を導き出す手助けをしてきました。
The healthcare industry collects and generates huge amounts of data on a daily basis. With the capacity to analyze and make sense of this data, it is becoming possible to deliver cost-effective health solutions that can improve quality of life and optimize resources. When a new medical drug or device is launched, it goes through a rigorous process of 臨床試験, which ensure the safety and efficacy of the drug.
クリニカル リサーチ is heavily dependent on statistics, that helps infer how well a drug has worked on a group of people or a sample size. Kolabtree helps you hire 臨床試験デザイン専門家 または フリーランスの生物統計学者を、あなたを助けることができる。
- 臨床試験の設計
- 研究から最良の結果を導き出す
- Measure the impact of public health programmes and surveys
Scientists and researchers conduct study after study and experiment after experiment to arrive at conclusive results. They may need to test hypotheses, optimize parameters and factor in errors in their studies. They may not always have in-house experts whom they can consult for help with conducting a statistical review. However, they may choose to hire freelance statisticians, who can consult on a per-project basis. Kolabtree’s global network of expert statisticians are typically PhD-qualified and can help with:
- 研究データの検証
- 研究論文の統計解析と結果のセクションの書き方
- 試験の設計と最適化
- 調査・実験結果の分析
- システマティックレビュー
- メタ分析
- 実験デザイン
Whether it’s to double-check research results or carry out data analysis, Kolabtree’s statisticians have worked on a variety of projects and helped take them to success. Their skills include regression analysis, survival analysis, time series analysis, and more. If you need to 統計学者を雇う Kolabtreeにプロジェクトの詳細を投稿するだけで、専門家から無料で見積もりを取ることができます。要件を概説するのに1分しかかかりません。
SASのエキスパートを雇う | SPSSの専門家を雇う | STATAの専門家を雇う | Rの専門家を雇う | Pythonの専門家を雇う