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5 vantaggi dell'assunzione di consulenti in scienze della vita (Biotech/Pharma)

Consulenti in scienze della vita per biotecnologie e farmaceutica

L'industria biotecnologica sta crescendo ogni giorno ad un ritmo rapido. Consulenti in scienze della vita stanno diventando sempre più richiesti dalle PMI per poter accedere facilmente a competenze specialistiche. Questo articolo esplora 5 modi in cui le scienze della vita, biotech e le organizzazioni farmaceutiche possono beneficiare dei servizi a contratto. 

Biotecnologia uses living organisms and matter to create products and technologies that are beneficial to us. Its applications include pharma & assistenza sanitaria, food, environment and agriculture. Major pharma companies around the world offer a range of biologics and biotech-based therapies: Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, Merck and Novo Nordisk, to name a few. Biopharma companies that focus on biotech and genetic therapies include Amgen, Celgene, Gilead Scienze della vita and Seattle Genetics.

Biotech companies of all sizes have to go through rigorous regulatory process to bring a drug to the market. There is painstaking ricerca that goes into every product, involving several skills including analisi dei dati, statistiche and writing. While companies with large budgets may have in-house resources, smaller companies frequently outsource these tasks to contract organizations. Here are some of the top five biotech contract services offered by experts.

1. Consulenza in materia di regolamentazione

I consulenti di affari regolamentari possono aiutare le aziende con la strategia di regolamentazione, l'analisi delle lacune, la registrazione dei trapianti e le interazioni regolamentari. Scrittori medici normativi can help with submissions such as those for the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). Medical device companies worldwide (some of which form a part of biotech/pharma companies) also support from scrittori di rapporti di valutazione clinica per sviluppare CER per la conformità MDR.

2. Servizi di consulenza sulle scienze della vita

Qualified industry experts can help with the development of business strategies and R&D activities required to develop and launch a successful product in the market. Genetics & esperti di genomica can advise on gene editing and gene therapy, whereas biotechnologists can provide guidance on lab-grown meat strategies. A quick look at areas life science consultants can help with:

3. Servizi clinici e statistici 

Biotech firms of all sizes need help with studi clinici and statistics. Small biotech firms often outsource this work to specialists, or hire specialists to verify their data and optimize experiments. A consulente per la sperimentazione clinica can advise on sample size, research methodology, data collection methods, validation methods and data analysis. Biostatisticians can suggest which parameters to change and routes to getting desirable results. Services include:

4. Sviluppo di test analitici

Nelle aziende biotecnologiche e biofarmaceutiche vengono utilizzati diversi strumenti analitici. Dalla PCR alla citometria a flusso, si tratta di procedure complesse che richiedono forti competenze statistiche e di analisi. I servizi con cui i freelance possono aiutare includono:

5. Scrittori scientifici

Il biotecnologia e farmaceutica industries are always looking for content, a vast amount of which they need to maintain. Hiring freelancers can help save precious cost and time, while getting the work done by a trusted expert. Some services freelance scientific writers can help with include:

Scrittori di sovvenzioni freelance possono essere assunti per preparare domande di sovvenzione, proposte di ricerca e altre domande di finanziamento.

Consulenti in scienze della vita e l'economia esperta

The growing pool of industry experts and academic researchers who are available on a freelance basis means that this talent is readily available to businesses looking for it. Given the revolution in workplace policies and remote working, life science consultants are now accessible on demand. Consulting an expert directly helps organizations save precious time and money, while building a reliable team of go-to experts under one roof.

Kolabtree offers end-to-end support for the full spectrum of biotech services ranging from protocol design, analytical and scientific services, regulatory, preclinical and clinical services to commercialization. Our PhD-qualified subject matter experts and highly experienced industry experts can help with biologics, scientific affairs, IP, clinical, regulatory and affari medici. Kolabtree’s scientists can also help with Nobel-prize winning services such iPSCs, CRISPR, sequenziamento del DNA e altro ancora.

Need help with biotech research, regulatory strategies or sviluppo del prodotto? Contact experienced consulenti in biotecnologia su Kolabtree. PUBBLICA IL TUO PROGETTO ORA


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