The future of work is impacted by the way both employers and workers look at jobs now: while employers want to streamline their workforces for maximum efficiency, workers are now more conscious about flexibility at work. COVID-19 in particular made companies of all sizes worldwide move to a new way of working and collaborating: traditional companies also are becoming part of the freelance economy. Businesses that typically were brick-and-mortar moved to all-virtual environments. The impact was especially seen in the life sciences and medical device space, where companies had to quickly adapt to a new way of working while continuing to work on treatments for the virus. With data sourced from our own surveys and users, and with articles sourced from experts, Kolabtree offers a series of articles to help you stay on top of the latest hiring trends.

How much to charge as a freelancer: The comprehensive pricing guide
This article outlines proven strategies to help you understand how much to charge as a…